Trapping of suspended cells is fundamentally important for cellular studies. Some have utilized hydrodynamic approaches, particularly vortical flow. This work presents an entirely new device leveraging on a pair of counter-rotating micro-vortices to trap bio-particles. In contrast to other approaches, this device allows bioparticles to flow freely through unobstructed region, trapped, and controlled released. The authors believe this to be the first account of having these features.
Figure 1. Sketch of the device. (A) The suspended thin (1μm thick) square plate (100μm*100μm) in resonance (140kHz.) induced a pair counter-rotating micro-vortices at plate edges. The total length of the suspended beam is 750μm and the width is 20μm. (B) Edge-on view of the oscillatory structure.
Figure 2. Micrograph of counter-rotating micro-vortices above the two-edges of the structure at resonant (140 kHz) at an instant in time. Trapped particles in the right vortex is evident. Left vortex also trapped particles as clearly seem in the movie. (Dotted lines are to guide the eyes.)
Figure 3. Microfluidic device. (a) There are four oscillators in a silicon chip (28mm*20mm) bonded in-between a PDMS channel and PMMA substrate (50mm*50 mm). Two wires were clipped to the metal pad for electric connection to the oscillators. (b) Device was upside down with tubing. A permanent magnet was placed right above the oscillator pierced through the PMMA substrate. (c) Schematic of device in cross-section. (d) A schematic of the microchannel with the four oscillators. The trapping region was in the middle of the channel and above the magnetic-field area marked by gray dotted line.
Figure 4 . (a) Shows the flow carrying proteins marked with fluorescent dye; proteins were trapped by vortices induced by the micro oscillating structure. (b) Top view from optical microscope. (i)~(iv) shows proteins were trapped and rotating above the oscillating structure at a time step, Δt = 0.3 second.
Figure 5. (a)~(h) show that CHO cells trapped and rotating above the oscillating structure at a time step, Δt = 0.5 second
Figure 6. The cell viability of trapped HEK cells at 30min. (at 3Vpp, perfused at 20μm/s) Calcein AM was injected into channel for viability assay while cells trapped after 30min. White dash lines show the suspended plate. In upper left region (i), there are three bright green fluorescent marked cells are adhered on the bottom of channel. Clusters of HEK, in region (ii), cells rotating and trapped by the CRMV, there is no obvious difference between those two groups of cells. All of them were stained positively with calcein AM which demonstrates cells, in (b), are alive after continuous trapped by CRMV.
Figure 7. Mixer tested with 0.9μm fluorescent particles under an inverted microscope. (a) no signal was applied to the electrode, with the boundary of two flows evident. In (b) a sinusoidal signal of 90 kHz and 10Vp-p resulted in micro-vortices of Fig. 2. The thin plate and channel are denoted by dash line. (middle plate is 100μm by 200μm)